Monday, July 27, 2009

Deeply Diving

I have found a blessing
as my deepest wound appeared...
I was in the exact vibration of the original pain!
Oh it hurt! oh, oh searing heart slicing hurt...
that vibration...
THE vibration.
What a blessing to be able to see it and feel it
and recognize it for what it was!

I observed how it had affected my whole life,
the choices I had made because if it.
The beliefs I held as a result of it,
the fears it began.

What a blessing as I reveled in it,
again not by choice but again thrust upon me
what an opportunity...
this timely time as Observer without Victim...

releasing it as promised in the Divine Plan.

Now is the time for excavation of buried treasure!
Dive deep, reach for pearls, little soul deaths.
Kick up the sandy bottom, lose yourself in the pain
long enough to get your fingers around it.
Rise to the surface with it in tow.
Bring it into the Light.

See it for what it is...
See yourself as you are
Luminous Lover
It has no power now!

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