Monday, November 23, 2009

I took a dive.

I took a dive, mind first, into guilt, love, suffering, perfection, conditions and control. The pain was beyond my belief, however, experience herself had taught me long ago that if it's painful dive in, and don't stop until you reach the depths of it, or it will come up again.

I stayed submerged.

Lifetimes of patterns, and ancient memories unhealed began to light up. I didn't know what to do with them, except to allow them to come up, ask for help to see their correlation to this lifetime, stay out of being a victim or martyr, go into deep forgiveness, and grieve until I was empty.
Many angels made their presence known to me, both in and out of form throughout this time.

Memories were brought to the surface for me to see and remember through a more widened lens of perception. As a result of this experience, I was able to unseal, release and heal lifetimes of pain regaining more of my freedom and more of my authentic nature.

Yes, I was turned inside out but finally this profound experience helped me make sense of my shadows, showed me the way to heal them and helped me have far greater compassion and love for myself. I became significantly closer to my soul.
My relationship to God and the angels was deeply strengthened.
My frequency was upgraded. Perfect timing and perfect experience, while the shift is in high gear.

We must always remember that the primary reason for any experience we ever have is to bring us back to the Heart of God, which is the only heart that we can live with anymore.
Only through this heart are we are able to live our lives upward and ascend in the Truth of who we are, "not who we are not."

That is a lot for us accustomed to human nature, to deeply embrace, though it is the Truth.
It is also the Truth that God will use anything or anyone as part of our experience to set us free.

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