Sometime in the past I faced a situation of great loss and pulled myself back from the edge of despair, starting over from scratch. I know how it's done; it's not a mystery to me. I have learned not to put too much stock in the emotions of the moment and know how to avoid compounding misery when things are complicated.
As long as my inner values remain intact, external conditions can be amended, allowing me to catch up again. This is an important thing to remember. In the face of any current discouragement, I know that not all is lost. Some people spend their lives in a state of anxiety, fearful of scarcity. I have the ability to overcome that tendency -- with the help of my personal foundation. This is a source of serenity, when I remember it. When I remember Love conquers all.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
world puja post
Dearest Hearts,
As always, I pray you are well.
Lots of talk and questions about the energies that were powerfully disseminated this past month, particularly from the 9-9-9 transmissions and the New Moon. I have heard from many expressing rejoices, questions, concerns and edginess in regards to all of it.
Regarding the concerns that mostly revolved around feeling very amped up, or euphoric on the 9-9-9, and then having the feeling of sadness or experiencing displacement a couple of days later. I will explain, in a simple manner.
First, the Light frequency of love that came onto this Planet and from four of the twelve Master Crystals from Atlantis that were partially activated on the 9-9-9, was energy that has been (and will continue) coming in doses to help push us outside of the confined polarized third dimensional trance grid before this cycle of time ends in 2012.
Not since the Golden Age of Atlantis have we had that powerful, loving, crystalline energy flow through our Planet or our bodies in a similar manner. The energy that blazed forth that day and also on the New Moon vastly increased both the earth's inter-dimensional Light reception and ours.
This caused an energetic swelling in both so that room could be made to insert further ascension Light codes enabling us to increase inter-dimensional communication, expand the heart mind, and to help us transmute instinctual, discordant third dimensional consciousness into Christ consciousness.
It is helpful to remember that whenever there is a swelling there is always a retraction. In the case of the recent Light/Love energy it created euphoria, or a state of bliss upon its arrival, to help us remember our natural state. After the energetic swell, because we are not yet accustomed to holding our natural (not normal state,) it caused some agitation or discordance, mostly in the emotional body, which then gets interpreted by the mental body and ultimately felt in the physical body.
However, even after retraction each got closer to home frequency this past month. Those that enjoyed the vantage point of the higher dimensions (and those that simply felt the energy) on 9-9-9 and beyond, were required to come down to make further personal adjustments in the four lower bodies to be more capable to sustain life in the higher dimensions without drama, fear and misperceptions of Self.
There is a Rite of Passage Beloveds for staying and playing in the higher dimensions and there is no getting around it. We must start loving ourselves so deeply in real ways, not intellectual ways, so we can break through our own pain barriers and mistaken identities. We would be wise to make every adjustment necessary now in the reprogramming of our lower consciousness that is still transfixed by separation, fear, shame and blame. Have no doubt you can do it, once you are sincere in your attempts to expand your lens of perception.
Some have proclaimed they cannot do it. That is a programmed lie and a myth of perception. Some say they make headway and then an experience occurs that pulls the rug out from underneath them, (I know that one.) The strength lies in letting the rug get pulled out and not going into fear or judgment. The rug is the minds sense of security. Let it go and watch what replaces the rug. Something sturdier will show up. No longer can we bend until we break for the mind's comfort. We must reach unconditioned consciousness, something the mind knows nothing about.
Though it is a well-known fact that human beings are the most complex species in the galaxy and that each and every one of us are sorting, unplugging and untangling more webs of deception than words can adequately explain, still we were designed to dissolve it and evolve away from it all. It's all about choice and taking responsibility to be in complete integrity with every single aspect of life. (Integrity means when the inside of ourselves and the outside of ourselves are in complete alignment.) That is often easier said than done isn't it?
It's also the very reason why we are getting more and more energetic help, on the ground help, inter-dimensional help and Light code insertions that along with our collaboration will lead us to our goal. Turn toward that help consistently and away from the mind.
Multiple beings from higher dimensions and star systems know, and you know, that during our numerous incarnations we went so far away from our original natures and multidimensionality that we literally have had to claw our way back to ourselves and to our original natures, in the dark, not the Light. For that we are loved beyond measure and heralded throughout the galaxies as heroes.
In tandem to that we said yes to collapsing a deeply corrupted grid that has held the human species in place (in prison really) for thousands of years. And, we said yes to creating an entirely new reality by unplugging from the former one, piece-by-piece, thought-by-thought, choice-by-choice and action-by-action. A feat never before accomplished by such a youthful complex species, or any species for that matter.
You might ask, what the heck were we thinking? We weren't. We were using our hearts and committing to Love on a planet where love was sparse and conditional. We were committing to our children that hadn't even been born to us yet and theirs, as well. We were committing to our ancestors, and to the One that created us. We said we would come here and make a spectacular leap in consciousness that would have rippling effects backwards and forwards. We committed to upgrading the human experience for all times to come.
We committed to closing down what some have called "The Dense Therapy Planet" and activating a high vibratory Planet with a Christed Crystalline Grid, where love is a matter of fact, faith is replaced with knowing, and hearts have no need for walls or boundaries. And we are doing it!
Make a vow that everyday you will consciously unplug more and more from the third dimensional grid of fear, facade and manipulation, and from the "who you are not" parts of yourself. Make that vow and follow through. Accept that nothing is wrong. Don't let your mind attempt to convince you otherwise. Nothing is wrong. You are in the deep layers of the remembering phase and switching grids, which can be agitating when it goes against what your human nature is accustomed to. Preparations are being made by you and for you for your future life. Neither is done cooking yet. Have patience, surrender everything, and stay out of fear.
Let the chemistry with the third dimensional grid that pulsed through you and controlled you finally run out. Once done, you will be ready to be plugged into the mainline of the new grid of evolution, and your way will be made clear. We made the commitment and God made the Promise.
While you are hanging between grids hone your skills of love and compassion for yourself, become responsible for your energy field, and strengthen your patience and endurance muscles. Don't buy into any further fear from the world external. That world is no longer your Master, though it will try to be. Turn a deaf ear. Bless every facet of your former life and the former world and those that played a part in it, and let it go. Create the life you desire, from a place of peace and internal harmony.
Snuggle up with your heart and Soul, as they are your new leaders. Learn how to have meaningful rapport and love with them. It will serve you in ways you can barely imagine.
In closing, I recently read this poem from "Anonymous." The words are quite fitting for the time we are hanging between grids, remembering, and literally re-creating our Magnificence.
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
Copyright Maureen Moss 2009. Please feel comfortable to share this with others. I just ask that you include my name and websites:
As always, I pray you are well.
Lots of talk and questions about the energies that were powerfully disseminated this past month, particularly from the 9-9-9 transmissions and the New Moon. I have heard from many expressing rejoices, questions, concerns and edginess in regards to all of it.
Regarding the concerns that mostly revolved around feeling very amped up, or euphoric on the 9-9-9, and then having the feeling of sadness or experiencing displacement a couple of days later. I will explain, in a simple manner.
First, the Light frequency of love that came onto this Planet and from four of the twelve Master Crystals from Atlantis that were partially activated on the 9-9-9, was energy that has been (and will continue) coming in doses to help push us outside of the confined polarized third dimensional trance grid before this cycle of time ends in 2012.
Not since the Golden Age of Atlantis have we had that powerful, loving, crystalline energy flow through our Planet or our bodies in a similar manner. The energy that blazed forth that day and also on the New Moon vastly increased both the earth's inter-dimensional Light reception and ours.
This caused an energetic swelling in both so that room could be made to insert further ascension Light codes enabling us to increase inter-dimensional communication, expand the heart mind, and to help us transmute instinctual, discordant third dimensional consciousness into Christ consciousness.
It is helpful to remember that whenever there is a swelling there is always a retraction. In the case of the recent Light/Love energy it created euphoria, or a state of bliss upon its arrival, to help us remember our natural state. After the energetic swell, because we are not yet accustomed to holding our natural (not normal state,) it caused some agitation or discordance, mostly in the emotional body, which then gets interpreted by the mental body and ultimately felt in the physical body.
However, even after retraction each got closer to home frequency this past month. Those that enjoyed the vantage point of the higher dimensions (and those that simply felt the energy) on 9-9-9 and beyond, were required to come down to make further personal adjustments in the four lower bodies to be more capable to sustain life in the higher dimensions without drama, fear and misperceptions of Self.
There is a Rite of Passage Beloveds for staying and playing in the higher dimensions and there is no getting around it. We must start loving ourselves so deeply in real ways, not intellectual ways, so we can break through our own pain barriers and mistaken identities. We would be wise to make every adjustment necessary now in the reprogramming of our lower consciousness that is still transfixed by separation, fear, shame and blame. Have no doubt you can do it, once you are sincere in your attempts to expand your lens of perception.
Some have proclaimed they cannot do it. That is a programmed lie and a myth of perception. Some say they make headway and then an experience occurs that pulls the rug out from underneath them, (I know that one.) The strength lies in letting the rug get pulled out and not going into fear or judgment. The rug is the minds sense of security. Let it go and watch what replaces the rug. Something sturdier will show up. No longer can we bend until we break for the mind's comfort. We must reach unconditioned consciousness, something the mind knows nothing about.
Though it is a well-known fact that human beings are the most complex species in the galaxy and that each and every one of us are sorting, unplugging and untangling more webs of deception than words can adequately explain, still we were designed to dissolve it and evolve away from it all. It's all about choice and taking responsibility to be in complete integrity with every single aspect of life. (Integrity means when the inside of ourselves and the outside of ourselves are in complete alignment.) That is often easier said than done isn't it?
It's also the very reason why we are getting more and more energetic help, on the ground help, inter-dimensional help and Light code insertions that along with our collaboration will lead us to our goal. Turn toward that help consistently and away from the mind.
Multiple beings from higher dimensions and star systems know, and you know, that during our numerous incarnations we went so far away from our original natures and multidimensionality that we literally have had to claw our way back to ourselves and to our original natures, in the dark, not the Light. For that we are loved beyond measure and heralded throughout the galaxies as heroes.
In tandem to that we said yes to collapsing a deeply corrupted grid that has held the human species in place (in prison really) for thousands of years. And, we said yes to creating an entirely new reality by unplugging from the former one, piece-by-piece, thought-by-thought, choice-by-choice and action-by-action. A feat never before accomplished by such a youthful complex species, or any species for that matter.
You might ask, what the heck were we thinking? We weren't. We were using our hearts and committing to Love on a planet where love was sparse and conditional. We were committing to our children that hadn't even been born to us yet and theirs, as well. We were committing to our ancestors, and to the One that created us. We said we would come here and make a spectacular leap in consciousness that would have rippling effects backwards and forwards. We committed to upgrading the human experience for all times to come.
We committed to closing down what some have called "The Dense Therapy Planet" and activating a high vibratory Planet with a Christed Crystalline Grid, where love is a matter of fact, faith is replaced with knowing, and hearts have no need for walls or boundaries. And we are doing it!
Make a vow that everyday you will consciously unplug more and more from the third dimensional grid of fear, facade and manipulation, and from the "who you are not" parts of yourself. Make that vow and follow through. Accept that nothing is wrong. Don't let your mind attempt to convince you otherwise. Nothing is wrong. You are in the deep layers of the remembering phase and switching grids, which can be agitating when it goes against what your human nature is accustomed to. Preparations are being made by you and for you for your future life. Neither is done cooking yet. Have patience, surrender everything, and stay out of fear.
Let the chemistry with the third dimensional grid that pulsed through you and controlled you finally run out. Once done, you will be ready to be plugged into the mainline of the new grid of evolution, and your way will be made clear. We made the commitment and God made the Promise.
While you are hanging between grids hone your skills of love and compassion for yourself, become responsible for your energy field, and strengthen your patience and endurance muscles. Don't buy into any further fear from the world external. That world is no longer your Master, though it will try to be. Turn a deaf ear. Bless every facet of your former life and the former world and those that played a part in it, and let it go. Create the life you desire, from a place of peace and internal harmony.
Snuggle up with your heart and Soul, as they are your new leaders. Learn how to have meaningful rapport and love with them. It will serve you in ways you can barely imagine.
In closing, I recently read this poem from "Anonymous." The words are quite fitting for the time we are hanging between grids, remembering, and literally re-creating our Magnificence.
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
Copyright Maureen Moss 2009. Please feel comfortable to share this with others. I just ask that you include my name and websites:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Emotional Freedom Technique
The most powerful way to allow the perfect health of the body is to first clear it of its goop!
Everything is energy including your memories and thoughts. In my work I find old past goop in the human body and its fields daily. We all carry past pain and trauma without ever realizing the damage it is doing to our health.
These are the times to allow a vibration of wellness to shimmer.
Years ago I happened upon The Emotional Freedom Technique and it has helped me to release an amazing amount of low vibration emotional energy. I love it because it is FREE and FUN, my two favorite things! and because I can tell the truth and honor how I feel about it.
You simply tap lightly on 7 spots while you tell the truth about how you feel (yes cuss if it feels good) and end each sentence with
"I love and accept myself". The 7 spots are end points on the Meridian lines of the body and each holds the energy of an emotion.
When you activate a line, by tapping or stretching, it self regulates into its proper frequency of vibration, allowing health.
For example...
Even though I feel really overwhelmed right now I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m experiencing a lot of stress right I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m really angry about this situation I love and accept myself.
Even though I hate this &(*&*, I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m experiencing some anger towards myself right now I love and accept myself.
Even though I feel like dying, I love and accept myself.
Tell the TRUTH about how you feel as you tap, say it outloud...
The way you feel will change and then you dont feel like saying that anymore you feel like saying something else. Maybe totally different, maybe just slightly, but say whatever you feel like saying.
You cannot make a mistake, be real and honest, it is so liberating and fun! You will be amazed what is hiding underneath.
While tapping out feelings of being lonely one day I found a past trauma moment that happened while mowing hay on the farm when I was 14 yrs old! Who knew that was under there?
But when I look at it I realize it had helped to form my perceptions that affect my life, and now it is different.
I have shed. is the original website. It offers free things, the other thousands of websites that came later mostly want your $.
After you have honored yourself and shed, fill in the empty spaces with these loving comments to your heart.
Heart thoughts
Rejoicing I am whole and complete in who I am
I am a powerful being of love and light
I am perfect and divine in who I am
I am present and powerful in my truth
I am divine love
I am happy and create the life I love
Today is a divine blessed infinitely abundant day
I am ready I am ready I am ready
I am a divine being of love and light
Love abounds abundantly and flows freely within me
I can relax and know that everything is in divine timing
I am worthy to have good things come into my life
My destiny is ever present and I flow easily and effortlessly with my destiny
All good things are present now in my awareness and I embrace them
I am divine love wellbeing flows freely within
I can relax and flow with infinite possibilities
My time is now and I am ready
My time is now and I am ready
Everything is energy including your memories and thoughts. In my work I find old past goop in the human body and its fields daily. We all carry past pain and trauma without ever realizing the damage it is doing to our health.
These are the times to allow a vibration of wellness to shimmer.
Years ago I happened upon The Emotional Freedom Technique and it has helped me to release an amazing amount of low vibration emotional energy. I love it because it is FREE and FUN, my two favorite things! and because I can tell the truth and honor how I feel about it.
You simply tap lightly on 7 spots while you tell the truth about how you feel (yes cuss if it feels good) and end each sentence with
"I love and accept myself". The 7 spots are end points on the Meridian lines of the body and each holds the energy of an emotion.
When you activate a line, by tapping or stretching, it self regulates into its proper frequency of vibration, allowing health.
For example...
Even though I feel really overwhelmed right now I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m experiencing a lot of stress right I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m really angry about this situation I love and accept myself.
Even though I hate this &(*&*, I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m experiencing some anger towards myself right now I love and accept myself.
Even though I feel like dying, I love and accept myself.
Tell the TRUTH about how you feel as you tap, say it outloud...
The way you feel will change and then you dont feel like saying that anymore you feel like saying something else. Maybe totally different, maybe just slightly, but say whatever you feel like saying.
You cannot make a mistake, be real and honest, it is so liberating and fun! You will be amazed what is hiding underneath.
While tapping out feelings of being lonely one day I found a past trauma moment that happened while mowing hay on the farm when I was 14 yrs old! Who knew that was under there?
But when I look at it I realize it had helped to form my perceptions that affect my life, and now it is different.
I have shed. is the original website. It offers free things, the other thousands of websites that came later mostly want your $.
After you have honored yourself and shed, fill in the empty spaces with these loving comments to your heart.
Heart thoughts
Rejoicing I am whole and complete in who I am
I am a powerful being of love and light
I am perfect and divine in who I am
I am present and powerful in my truth
I am divine love
I am happy and create the life I love
Today is a divine blessed infinitely abundant day
I am ready I am ready I am ready
I am a divine being of love and light
Love abounds abundantly and flows freely within me
I can relax and know that everything is in divine timing
I am worthy to have good things come into my life
My destiny is ever present and I flow easily and effortlessly with my destiny
All good things are present now in my awareness and I embrace them
I am divine love wellbeing flows freely within
I can relax and flow with infinite possibilities
My time is now and I am ready
My time is now and I am ready
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