Saturday, December 13, 2008

Love letter

I just received a most beautiful love letter from a fellow Heart warrior. It spoke of energies entwinned and swirling. It seems Grandmother moon needs to speak to him when She is full in her power and being a Pisces he was one with Her last night. Those tormented Pisces will be the ones who save the Earth, bless the emotional deep divers. They will take us into all the places we fear to go. They will be the ones to experience that which will save us. As they Entrain with us they will drag us with them, so we can heal our hidden wounds.
Bless the deep divers! Bless the deep divers and Grandmother moon! Honor and blessing to you. Thank you for your own intense pain as you help to heal us all.

To all the Pisces across the grid and to all my teachers I Bless and honor you I love you I love you I love you I am so sorry please forgive me thank you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you..

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