Tuesday, December 15, 2009
barren riches
The creek I walk next to loses a lot of its water as seasons shift. From a distance the mud looks like a wet black desert, but if you get up close you'll see it's covered with tiny furrows, pits, and bulges. This is evidence small creatures live there, although only the hungry ducks know where to find them. I intend to be like those birds as I survey my life's version of the mud flat, I will find the rich pickin's!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
December Impulses
"December Energies And Their Impulses"
Dearest Hearts,
As always, I pray you are well.
What a compelling energetic month we are in the midst of with the energies of dynamic transformative radiant Love pouring in and through us that began on the portal day of the 11-11 and continue during the portal days of the 12-12 and 12-21.
Combined, these three portals form the Triad Star Gates of Love where both negative and positive energies are neutralized and become One Pure Energy of Love. Key words are Love and Neutralized.
Never before has this pure and loving Trinity of Energy, one after the other, been dispensed in and through us, impulsing us rapidly time and again to stoke the fires of our own intuition, reminding us that it is time to become One Pure Energy within ourselves.
Some may wonder why, if this energy is Pure Love, do I feel turbulent or even aggressive energy? The short answer is that this highly stepped up energy finds the places in each of us and in the mass consciousness (which we are linked to), where love is not. It purposefully stirs the pot, if you will, to bring up the particles of shadow energy, not yet healed, and not yet neutralized.
This Trinity of Energy is going for our cure, not necessarily our comfort, in the moment. Every step we actively take to becoming closer to who we really are, and act in accordance to that, we are going to find ourselves feeling beyond comfortable. (Keys below will help).
Master Lao Tzu said, "Mastering others requires force; mastering the self needs strength." Indeed!
Apart from being informed of this energetically compelling month, there truly is an urgent call to us from the benevolent Cosmic realms of consciousness asking us to play, cooperate and pro-actively engage in the powerful energies that afford us the opportunity to get closer to becoming One Pure Energy - the very essence of who we truly are.
Love, expansion, renewal, insight, and absolute ability to move further into our ascension are being offered this month through the impulses that I share below.
On these two magnificent portal days each of you will be actively impulsed (and fully supported) in three predominant ways.
I have listed the impulses below from first to third. Each impulse can and will be felt within you in whatever order is necessary to engage you into a pro-active state with them.
For some, the impulses have already begun, and actions born solely out of authenticity and love are being taken. These December impulses will assist to strengthen and focus your present and future actions evermore.
For many there will be an exquisite burst of Love that accompanies these impulses and a deep knowing that a cycle of personal disharmony has ended and a harmonious new one begun. You will continue to make discoveries about yourself you have never made before.
On both the 12-12 and the 12-21, it will serve you greatly to put yourself in a receptive, undistracted state of being for as long as possible. (If you can't go long, go for short, but make it a concentrated short). You don't have to go into meditation, just enter into an openhearted stillness so you are able to feel into the energies and impulses and turn them to your favor.
The first impulse will be to make the leap from dual nature to authentic nature, once and for all and all of the time. There is no getting around the fact that wherever duality is, harmony is not, power is lost and chaos ensues. This is not the state of an ascended being.
You are being supported to investigate, and then let every component of your dual nature be transmuted, regardless of the logic of your mind or the opinion of others. This first impulse requires your undivided, kind and gentle attention.
You know the difference between your two natures. Unlike your dual nature, your authentic nature isn't at war with itself. It's the nature that has completed its fascination with conflict, separation, imbalance, drama and story.
It's the one that has no relationship to "I can't" and a strong knowing of I can, for I AM. Your authentic nature, once accepted and worn powerfully, humbly, honestly, and continuously by you, will both energize and support you in your ascension, in your joy, your relationships and your life's work and service. It is the wearing of a dual nature that has been the cause of humanities exhaustion, discord and lack.
You are being impulsed to act only in accordance with your authentic nature from this day forward and as such, you are promised all of the Universal support and magic to start anew or continue on your decisive intentional harmonious journey forward.
Grab your power, harness the energies in the moment and step into the real you. Then watch what happens to your reality!
Suggestion: Monitor yourself. Make 7 stops during the day and ask yourself this question. Am I being real? Yes or no are your only choices. Be honest and course correct anytime. There is no penalty for honesty.
The second impulse will prompt you to allow your heart to burst wide open.
This will be your life's greatest blessing. Being openhearted, transparent, vulnerable and unrestricted will change the course of your life, and make a difference in the heart of humanity.
Please know that your life experiences were never intended to be heart attacks or provide material for you to build walls out of. Only your mind would tell you that an experience of the heart was an excuse to shut it down.
Love travels far and wide through every open heart. It is the only healing agent in existence. The more joy and love you flow from your heart, and into your heart, the greater the chances for a mass healing in human consciousness. In addition it is the only chance for our beloved Mother Earth to heal from not only a blatant disregard for her, but from the negative emotions that we have all put into her, while walking on her back. Love is the only way for all of nature to thrive, and the animal and mineral kingdoms to be safe.
During these portal days you will feel frequency pulses of the One Pure Energy around your heart chakra as the magnificence of this energy bores through ancient walls. Release your pain, the emotions and the stories and allow your heart to return to its original state. It cannot function behind walls or lock down and it cannot be selective about what it will or will not open up to. Let it be free, you are safe.
Many ask, "How may I best serve the Light?" The answer: open your heart.
Allow your heart to become the instrument of your affection and diligently learn the ways to think through it, rather than around it.
Suggestion: Each morning consciously engage with your heart. These words will help you. "Beloved heart of mine, the portal to all that is. I enter into you humbly and unguarded this day. I deposit my stories and excuses outside of your gateway. They no longer serve me. Please guide me through every step of my day. Beloved heart of mine, I set you free. I love you. I trust you. I will follow you. Together we are free.
The third impulse will be to let your imagination run wild. If you pay attention you will feel these energetic impulses stirring things up that have been buried deep, deep inside of you, things you may have barely dared to let come up and into the Light of day, for fear they would be looked upon as foolish, unlikely or impossible to accomplish. Everything in alignment with your authentic nature is possible. Everything.
You are being impulsed to let your imagination run wild to motivate you towards your passions and away from passivity. Passivity comes from a dual nature, exhausted by its fight to survive.
You are neither too old nor too young to build the life of your dreams starting now. Let your imagination run wild. See the end as your desired state and run with it. Bring your dreams to life first through your imagination, and then by your actions. Imagine God as your partner, and go for it.
A life lived without passion is an incomplete life. The upper regions of the 4th dimension and the entire 5th and 6th dimensions have no interest in hosting any who have separated from their passions. If you've separated from your passions, you have separated from your soul. Let the energy impulses assist you in realignment to this most significant part of yourself.
Suggestion: Every day go into stillness with eyes wide open for 20 to 30 minutes. If you can go outside and gaze at the sky while doing this, please do. If you can go into nature and do it, please do. If neither are available for you stare deeply into a crystal or the flame of a candle.
Ask your imagination to come up and play. Don't judge anything that comes up as absurd. Write down everything that your imagination delivers to you. Your imagination will lead you away from third dimensional restrictions and stagnant states of mind. Follow it. Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." William Blake was quoted as saying, "Imagination is human existence itself."
As we close this cycle of time, and enter a new one, foreign in great part to what we are conditioned to, it is vital to employ the ways in which to direct your life purposefully. It is my prayer that the articles I write each month serve you in doing so, along with the many broadcasts on The World Puja Network. You are the steward of your most precious life. Be the best steward you can possibly be.
If you could imagine yourself as a great steward, what would that look like and how would you act?
Copyright Maureen Moss 2009. Please feel comfortable to share this with others. I just ask that you include my name and websites as this is part of a greater body of work.
Dearest Hearts,
As always, I pray you are well.
What a compelling energetic month we are in the midst of with the energies of dynamic transformative radiant Love pouring in and through us that began on the portal day of the 11-11 and continue during the portal days of the 12-12 and 12-21.
Combined, these three portals form the Triad Star Gates of Love where both negative and positive energies are neutralized and become One Pure Energy of Love. Key words are Love and Neutralized.
Never before has this pure and loving Trinity of Energy, one after the other, been dispensed in and through us, impulsing us rapidly time and again to stoke the fires of our own intuition, reminding us that it is time to become One Pure Energy within ourselves.
Some may wonder why, if this energy is Pure Love, do I feel turbulent or even aggressive energy? The short answer is that this highly stepped up energy finds the places in each of us and in the mass consciousness (which we are linked to), where love is not. It purposefully stirs the pot, if you will, to bring up the particles of shadow energy, not yet healed, and not yet neutralized.
This Trinity of Energy is going for our cure, not necessarily our comfort, in the moment. Every step we actively take to becoming closer to who we really are, and act in accordance to that, we are going to find ourselves feeling beyond comfortable. (Keys below will help).
Master Lao Tzu said, "Mastering others requires force; mastering the self needs strength." Indeed!
Apart from being informed of this energetically compelling month, there truly is an urgent call to us from the benevolent Cosmic realms of consciousness asking us to play, cooperate and pro-actively engage in the powerful energies that afford us the opportunity to get closer to becoming One Pure Energy - the very essence of who we truly are.
Love, expansion, renewal, insight, and absolute ability to move further into our ascension are being offered this month through the impulses that I share below.
On these two magnificent portal days each of you will be actively impulsed (and fully supported) in three predominant ways.
I have listed the impulses below from first to third. Each impulse can and will be felt within you in whatever order is necessary to engage you into a pro-active state with them.
For some, the impulses have already begun, and actions born solely out of authenticity and love are being taken. These December impulses will assist to strengthen and focus your present and future actions evermore.
For many there will be an exquisite burst of Love that accompanies these impulses and a deep knowing that a cycle of personal disharmony has ended and a harmonious new one begun. You will continue to make discoveries about yourself you have never made before.
On both the 12-12 and the 12-21, it will serve you greatly to put yourself in a receptive, undistracted state of being for as long as possible. (If you can't go long, go for short, but make it a concentrated short). You don't have to go into meditation, just enter into an openhearted stillness so you are able to feel into the energies and impulses and turn them to your favor.
The first impulse will be to make the leap from dual nature to authentic nature, once and for all and all of the time. There is no getting around the fact that wherever duality is, harmony is not, power is lost and chaos ensues. This is not the state of an ascended being.
You are being supported to investigate, and then let every component of your dual nature be transmuted, regardless of the logic of your mind or the opinion of others. This first impulse requires your undivided, kind and gentle attention.
You know the difference between your two natures. Unlike your dual nature, your authentic nature isn't at war with itself. It's the nature that has completed its fascination with conflict, separation, imbalance, drama and story.
It's the one that has no relationship to "I can't" and a strong knowing of I can, for I AM. Your authentic nature, once accepted and worn powerfully, humbly, honestly, and continuously by you, will both energize and support you in your ascension, in your joy, your relationships and your life's work and service. It is the wearing of a dual nature that has been the cause of humanities exhaustion, discord and lack.
You are being impulsed to act only in accordance with your authentic nature from this day forward and as such, you are promised all of the Universal support and magic to start anew or continue on your decisive intentional harmonious journey forward.
Grab your power, harness the energies in the moment and step into the real you. Then watch what happens to your reality!
Suggestion: Monitor yourself. Make 7 stops during the day and ask yourself this question. Am I being real? Yes or no are your only choices. Be honest and course correct anytime. There is no penalty for honesty.
The second impulse will prompt you to allow your heart to burst wide open.
This will be your life's greatest blessing. Being openhearted, transparent, vulnerable and unrestricted will change the course of your life, and make a difference in the heart of humanity.
Please know that your life experiences were never intended to be heart attacks or provide material for you to build walls out of. Only your mind would tell you that an experience of the heart was an excuse to shut it down.
Love travels far and wide through every open heart. It is the only healing agent in existence. The more joy and love you flow from your heart, and into your heart, the greater the chances for a mass healing in human consciousness. In addition it is the only chance for our beloved Mother Earth to heal from not only a blatant disregard for her, but from the negative emotions that we have all put into her, while walking on her back. Love is the only way for all of nature to thrive, and the animal and mineral kingdoms to be safe.
During these portal days you will feel frequency pulses of the One Pure Energy around your heart chakra as the magnificence of this energy bores through ancient walls. Release your pain, the emotions and the stories and allow your heart to return to its original state. It cannot function behind walls or lock down and it cannot be selective about what it will or will not open up to. Let it be free, you are safe.
Many ask, "How may I best serve the Light?" The answer: open your heart.
Allow your heart to become the instrument of your affection and diligently learn the ways to think through it, rather than around it.
Suggestion: Each morning consciously engage with your heart. These words will help you. "Beloved heart of mine, the portal to all that is. I enter into you humbly and unguarded this day. I deposit my stories and excuses outside of your gateway. They no longer serve me. Please guide me through every step of my day. Beloved heart of mine, I set you free. I love you. I trust you. I will follow you. Together we are free.
The third impulse will be to let your imagination run wild. If you pay attention you will feel these energetic impulses stirring things up that have been buried deep, deep inside of you, things you may have barely dared to let come up and into the Light of day, for fear they would be looked upon as foolish, unlikely or impossible to accomplish. Everything in alignment with your authentic nature is possible. Everything.
You are being impulsed to let your imagination run wild to motivate you towards your passions and away from passivity. Passivity comes from a dual nature, exhausted by its fight to survive.
You are neither too old nor too young to build the life of your dreams starting now. Let your imagination run wild. See the end as your desired state and run with it. Bring your dreams to life first through your imagination, and then by your actions. Imagine God as your partner, and go for it.
A life lived without passion is an incomplete life. The upper regions of the 4th dimension and the entire 5th and 6th dimensions have no interest in hosting any who have separated from their passions. If you've separated from your passions, you have separated from your soul. Let the energy impulses assist you in realignment to this most significant part of yourself.
Suggestion: Every day go into stillness with eyes wide open for 20 to 30 minutes. If you can go outside and gaze at the sky while doing this, please do. If you can go into nature and do it, please do. If neither are available for you stare deeply into a crystal or the flame of a candle.
Ask your imagination to come up and play. Don't judge anything that comes up as absurd. Write down everything that your imagination delivers to you. Your imagination will lead you away from third dimensional restrictions and stagnant states of mind. Follow it. Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." William Blake was quoted as saying, "Imagination is human existence itself."
As we close this cycle of time, and enter a new one, foreign in great part to what we are conditioned to, it is vital to employ the ways in which to direct your life purposefully. It is my prayer that the articles I write each month serve you in doing so, along with the many broadcasts on The World Puja Network. You are the steward of your most precious life. Be the best steward you can possibly be.
If you could imagine yourself as a great steward, what would that look like and how would you act?
Copyright Maureen Moss 2009. Please feel comfortable to share this with others. I just ask that you include my name and websites as this is part of a greater body of work.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Introductory Coherence Technique
Being coherently aligned while radiating compassion and care increases focus and effectiveness. However, any genuine care and compassion you radiate benefits the planet, whether or not you are in total coherence. You can radiate care and compassion for the planet while riding down the road, exercising, working in the yard, standing in a grocery line or at any time you can squeeze it in. It all counts and adds to the collective intention.
1. Breathe and calm yourself in whatever ways you choose.
2. Choose something you appreciate – a person, pet, nature, etc. – and radiate the feeling of appreciation to them for about 2 minutes.
This helps open the heart more and increases your effectiveness when you start sending care to the planet or to a situation in need.
3. Now evoke the genuine feelings of compassion and care for the planet.
4. Breathe the feelings of compassion and care going out from your heart.
To help with focus, some people imagine the compassion and care flowing out the way an ocean wave flows toward a beach. Some imagine their compassion radiating as a beam of light. Others simply radiate it out with the rhythm of their breath. There are no hard and fast rules on how you do this. People are different, so find what suits you.
5. Radiate the genuine feelings of compassion and care to the planet or to a specific area of immediate need.
6. See yourself, along with other caretakers, participating in this process of healing and facilitating peace.
(If you have an emWave®, use it while practicing this introductory coherence technique.)
How long should you do the technique?
That’s for you to decide. Most people do it at least 5 minutes a day to help build their personal coherence. As people increasingly understand the wholeness benefits of coherence for the sender and the receiver, they often increase the length of time. Sometimes you’ll want to spend more time and other times less, based on how you feel and your schedule.
Know that compassion for others is never wasted. It just has its own timing and higher discernment in how it plays out.
—Doc Childre
1. Breathe and calm yourself in whatever ways you choose.
2. Choose something you appreciate – a person, pet, nature, etc. – and radiate the feeling of appreciation to them for about 2 minutes.
This helps open the heart more and increases your effectiveness when you start sending care to the planet or to a situation in need.
3. Now evoke the genuine feelings of compassion and care for the planet.
4. Breathe the feelings of compassion and care going out from your heart.
To help with focus, some people imagine the compassion and care flowing out the way an ocean wave flows toward a beach. Some imagine their compassion radiating as a beam of light. Others simply radiate it out with the rhythm of their breath. There are no hard and fast rules on how you do this. People are different, so find what suits you.
5. Radiate the genuine feelings of compassion and care to the planet or to a specific area of immediate need.
6. See yourself, along with other caretakers, participating in this process of healing and facilitating peace.
(If you have an emWave®, use it while practicing this introductory coherence technique.)
How long should you do the technique?
That’s for you to decide. Most people do it at least 5 minutes a day to help build their personal coherence. As people increasingly understand the wholeness benefits of coherence for the sender and the receiver, they often increase the length of time. Sometimes you’ll want to spend more time and other times less, based on how you feel and your schedule.
Know that compassion for others is never wasted. It just has its own timing and higher discernment in how it plays out.
—Doc Childre
Monday, November 23, 2009
I took a dive.
I took a dive, mind first, into guilt, love, suffering, perfection, conditions and control. The pain was beyond my belief, however, experience herself had taught me long ago that if it's painful dive in, and don't stop until you reach the depths of it, or it will come up again.
I stayed submerged.
Lifetimes of patterns, and ancient memories unhealed began to light up. I didn't know what to do with them, except to allow them to come up, ask for help to see their correlation to this lifetime, stay out of being a victim or martyr, go into deep forgiveness, and grieve until I was empty.
Many angels made their presence known to me, both in and out of form throughout this time.
Memories were brought to the surface for me to see and remember through a more widened lens of perception. As a result of this experience, I was able to unseal, release and heal lifetimes of pain regaining more of my freedom and more of my authentic nature.
Yes, I was turned inside out but finally this profound experience helped me make sense of my shadows, showed me the way to heal them and helped me have far greater compassion and love for myself. I became significantly closer to my soul.
My relationship to God and the angels was deeply strengthened.
My frequency was upgraded. Perfect timing and perfect experience, while the shift is in high gear.
We must always remember that the primary reason for any experience we ever have is to bring us back to the Heart of God, which is the only heart that we can live with anymore.
Only through this heart are we are able to live our lives upward and ascend in the Truth of who we are, "not who we are not."
That is a lot for us accustomed to human nature, to deeply embrace, though it is the Truth.
It is also the Truth that God will use anything or anyone as part of our experience to set us free.
I stayed submerged.
Lifetimes of patterns, and ancient memories unhealed began to light up. I didn't know what to do with them, except to allow them to come up, ask for help to see their correlation to this lifetime, stay out of being a victim or martyr, go into deep forgiveness, and grieve until I was empty.
Many angels made their presence known to me, both in and out of form throughout this time.
Memories were brought to the surface for me to see and remember through a more widened lens of perception. As a result of this experience, I was able to unseal, release and heal lifetimes of pain regaining more of my freedom and more of my authentic nature.
Yes, I was turned inside out but finally this profound experience helped me make sense of my shadows, showed me the way to heal them and helped me have far greater compassion and love for myself. I became significantly closer to my soul.
My relationship to God and the angels was deeply strengthened.
My frequency was upgraded. Perfect timing and perfect experience, while the shift is in high gear.
We must always remember that the primary reason for any experience we ever have is to bring us back to the Heart of God, which is the only heart that we can live with anymore.
Only through this heart are we are able to live our lives upward and ascend in the Truth of who we are, "not who we are not."
That is a lot for us accustomed to human nature, to deeply embrace, though it is the Truth.
It is also the Truth that God will use anything or anyone as part of our experience to set us free.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Dance, when you’re broken open.
Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off.
Dance in the middle of the fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance, when you’re perfectly free.
Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off.
Dance in the middle of the fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance, when you’re perfectly free.
harnessing the energies of love
"Someday after mastering winds, waves, tides and gravity,
we shall harness the energies of love. And then, for the second
time in the history of the world, Man will discover fire."
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
we shall harness the energies of love. And then, for the second
time in the history of the world, Man will discover fire."
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Sunday, October 4, 2009
signaling the universe
"Please pray for a cure for cancer" said the email,
sent from a loving friend to many in her address book.
And many of those who received it will do as requested
and pray for the cure with heartfelt emotion.
This signals the Universal Manifestation Grid with the NOW Thought energy that cancer is raging, unstoppable, incurable. This is a very emotional signal which makes it manifest faster and stronger.
Cancer becomes stronger having received the energy directed at it.
That which receives your Focus of Thought builds energy, grows larger stronger, smarter and more deliberate.
This is Science. This is how the grid works, how energy moves.
Please be Grateful NOW that everything is in Perfect Order.
Jump up and down, dance, cry with Joy, sing...
sustain the thought as real for 20 seconds
to build it with power...
just 20 seconds is enough...
that is how powerful you really are!
Do it alone if you feel silly
but if you do it with others it builds exponentially.
We are amazing Creators on the Grid, we are huge.
We are immensely powerful
NOW be Deliberate!
sent from a loving friend to many in her address book.
And many of those who received it will do as requested
and pray for the cure with heartfelt emotion.
This signals the Universal Manifestation Grid with the NOW Thought energy that cancer is raging, unstoppable, incurable. This is a very emotional signal which makes it manifest faster and stronger.
Cancer becomes stronger having received the energy directed at it.
That which receives your Focus of Thought builds energy, grows larger stronger, smarter and more deliberate.
This is Science. This is how the grid works, how energy moves.
Please be Grateful NOW that everything is in Perfect Order.
Jump up and down, dance, cry with Joy, sing...
sustain the thought as real for 20 seconds
to build it with power...
just 20 seconds is enough...
that is how powerful you really are!
Do it alone if you feel silly
but if you do it with others it builds exponentially.
We are amazing Creators on the Grid, we are huge.
We are immensely powerful
NOW be Deliberate!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
starting over from scratch
Sometime in the past I faced a situation of great loss and pulled myself back from the edge of despair, starting over from scratch. I know how it's done; it's not a mystery to me. I have learned not to put too much stock in the emotions of the moment and know how to avoid compounding misery when things are complicated.
As long as my inner values remain intact, external conditions can be amended, allowing me to catch up again. This is an important thing to remember. In the face of any current discouragement, I know that not all is lost. Some people spend their lives in a state of anxiety, fearful of scarcity. I have the ability to overcome that tendency -- with the help of my personal foundation. This is a source of serenity, when I remember it. When I remember Love conquers all.
As long as my inner values remain intact, external conditions can be amended, allowing me to catch up again. This is an important thing to remember. In the face of any current discouragement, I know that not all is lost. Some people spend their lives in a state of anxiety, fearful of scarcity. I have the ability to overcome that tendency -- with the help of my personal foundation. This is a source of serenity, when I remember it. When I remember Love conquers all.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
world puja post
Dearest Hearts,
As always, I pray you are well.
Lots of talk and questions about the energies that were powerfully disseminated this past month, particularly from the 9-9-9 transmissions and the New Moon. I have heard from many expressing rejoices, questions, concerns and edginess in regards to all of it.
Regarding the concerns that mostly revolved around feeling very amped up, or euphoric on the 9-9-9, and then having the feeling of sadness or experiencing displacement a couple of days later. I will explain, in a simple manner.
First, the Light frequency of love that came onto this Planet and from four of the twelve Master Crystals from Atlantis that were partially activated on the 9-9-9, was energy that has been (and will continue) coming in doses to help push us outside of the confined polarized third dimensional trance grid before this cycle of time ends in 2012.
Not since the Golden Age of Atlantis have we had that powerful, loving, crystalline energy flow through our Planet or our bodies in a similar manner. The energy that blazed forth that day and also on the New Moon vastly increased both the earth's inter-dimensional Light reception and ours.
This caused an energetic swelling in both so that room could be made to insert further ascension Light codes enabling us to increase inter-dimensional communication, expand the heart mind, and to help us transmute instinctual, discordant third dimensional consciousness into Christ consciousness.
It is helpful to remember that whenever there is a swelling there is always a retraction. In the case of the recent Light/Love energy it created euphoria, or a state of bliss upon its arrival, to help us remember our natural state. After the energetic swell, because we are not yet accustomed to holding our natural (not normal state,) it caused some agitation or discordance, mostly in the emotional body, which then gets interpreted by the mental body and ultimately felt in the physical body.
However, even after retraction each got closer to home frequency this past month. Those that enjoyed the vantage point of the higher dimensions (and those that simply felt the energy) on 9-9-9 and beyond, were required to come down to make further personal adjustments in the four lower bodies to be more capable to sustain life in the higher dimensions without drama, fear and misperceptions of Self.
There is a Rite of Passage Beloveds for staying and playing in the higher dimensions and there is no getting around it. We must start loving ourselves so deeply in real ways, not intellectual ways, so we can break through our own pain barriers and mistaken identities. We would be wise to make every adjustment necessary now in the reprogramming of our lower consciousness that is still transfixed by separation, fear, shame and blame. Have no doubt you can do it, once you are sincere in your attempts to expand your lens of perception.
Some have proclaimed they cannot do it. That is a programmed lie and a myth of perception. Some say they make headway and then an experience occurs that pulls the rug out from underneath them, (I know that one.) The strength lies in letting the rug get pulled out and not going into fear or judgment. The rug is the minds sense of security. Let it go and watch what replaces the rug. Something sturdier will show up. No longer can we bend until we break for the mind's comfort. We must reach unconditioned consciousness, something the mind knows nothing about.
Though it is a well-known fact that human beings are the most complex species in the galaxy and that each and every one of us are sorting, unplugging and untangling more webs of deception than words can adequately explain, still we were designed to dissolve it and evolve away from it all. It's all about choice and taking responsibility to be in complete integrity with every single aspect of life. (Integrity means when the inside of ourselves and the outside of ourselves are in complete alignment.) That is often easier said than done isn't it?
It's also the very reason why we are getting more and more energetic help, on the ground help, inter-dimensional help and Light code insertions that along with our collaboration will lead us to our goal. Turn toward that help consistently and away from the mind.
Multiple beings from higher dimensions and star systems know, and you know, that during our numerous incarnations we went so far away from our original natures and multidimensionality that we literally have had to claw our way back to ourselves and to our original natures, in the dark, not the Light. For that we are loved beyond measure and heralded throughout the galaxies as heroes.
In tandem to that we said yes to collapsing a deeply corrupted grid that has held the human species in place (in prison really) for thousands of years. And, we said yes to creating an entirely new reality by unplugging from the former one, piece-by-piece, thought-by-thought, choice-by-choice and action-by-action. A feat never before accomplished by such a youthful complex species, or any species for that matter.
You might ask, what the heck were we thinking? We weren't. We were using our hearts and committing to Love on a planet where love was sparse and conditional. We were committing to our children that hadn't even been born to us yet and theirs, as well. We were committing to our ancestors, and to the One that created us. We said we would come here and make a spectacular leap in consciousness that would have rippling effects backwards and forwards. We committed to upgrading the human experience for all times to come.
We committed to closing down what some have called "The Dense Therapy Planet" and activating a high vibratory Planet with a Christed Crystalline Grid, where love is a matter of fact, faith is replaced with knowing, and hearts have no need for walls or boundaries. And we are doing it!
Make a vow that everyday you will consciously unplug more and more from the third dimensional grid of fear, facade and manipulation, and from the "who you are not" parts of yourself. Make that vow and follow through. Accept that nothing is wrong. Don't let your mind attempt to convince you otherwise. Nothing is wrong. You are in the deep layers of the remembering phase and switching grids, which can be agitating when it goes against what your human nature is accustomed to. Preparations are being made by you and for you for your future life. Neither is done cooking yet. Have patience, surrender everything, and stay out of fear.
Let the chemistry with the third dimensional grid that pulsed through you and controlled you finally run out. Once done, you will be ready to be plugged into the mainline of the new grid of evolution, and your way will be made clear. We made the commitment and God made the Promise.
While you are hanging between grids hone your skills of love and compassion for yourself, become responsible for your energy field, and strengthen your patience and endurance muscles. Don't buy into any further fear from the world external. That world is no longer your Master, though it will try to be. Turn a deaf ear. Bless every facet of your former life and the former world and those that played a part in it, and let it go. Create the life you desire, from a place of peace and internal harmony.
Snuggle up with your heart and Soul, as they are your new leaders. Learn how to have meaningful rapport and love with them. It will serve you in ways you can barely imagine.
In closing, I recently read this poem from "Anonymous." The words are quite fitting for the time we are hanging between grids, remembering, and literally re-creating our Magnificence.
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
Copyright Maureen Moss 2009. Please feel comfortable to share this with others. I just ask that you include my name and websites:
As always, I pray you are well.
Lots of talk and questions about the energies that were powerfully disseminated this past month, particularly from the 9-9-9 transmissions and the New Moon. I have heard from many expressing rejoices, questions, concerns and edginess in regards to all of it.
Regarding the concerns that mostly revolved around feeling very amped up, or euphoric on the 9-9-9, and then having the feeling of sadness or experiencing displacement a couple of days later. I will explain, in a simple manner.
First, the Light frequency of love that came onto this Planet and from four of the twelve Master Crystals from Atlantis that were partially activated on the 9-9-9, was energy that has been (and will continue) coming in doses to help push us outside of the confined polarized third dimensional trance grid before this cycle of time ends in 2012.
Not since the Golden Age of Atlantis have we had that powerful, loving, crystalline energy flow through our Planet or our bodies in a similar manner. The energy that blazed forth that day and also on the New Moon vastly increased both the earth's inter-dimensional Light reception and ours.
This caused an energetic swelling in both so that room could be made to insert further ascension Light codes enabling us to increase inter-dimensional communication, expand the heart mind, and to help us transmute instinctual, discordant third dimensional consciousness into Christ consciousness.
It is helpful to remember that whenever there is a swelling there is always a retraction. In the case of the recent Light/Love energy it created euphoria, or a state of bliss upon its arrival, to help us remember our natural state. After the energetic swell, because we are not yet accustomed to holding our natural (not normal state,) it caused some agitation or discordance, mostly in the emotional body, which then gets interpreted by the mental body and ultimately felt in the physical body.
However, even after retraction each got closer to home frequency this past month. Those that enjoyed the vantage point of the higher dimensions (and those that simply felt the energy) on 9-9-9 and beyond, were required to come down to make further personal adjustments in the four lower bodies to be more capable to sustain life in the higher dimensions without drama, fear and misperceptions of Self.
There is a Rite of Passage Beloveds for staying and playing in the higher dimensions and there is no getting around it. We must start loving ourselves so deeply in real ways, not intellectual ways, so we can break through our own pain barriers and mistaken identities. We would be wise to make every adjustment necessary now in the reprogramming of our lower consciousness that is still transfixed by separation, fear, shame and blame. Have no doubt you can do it, once you are sincere in your attempts to expand your lens of perception.
Some have proclaimed they cannot do it. That is a programmed lie and a myth of perception. Some say they make headway and then an experience occurs that pulls the rug out from underneath them, (I know that one.) The strength lies in letting the rug get pulled out and not going into fear or judgment. The rug is the minds sense of security. Let it go and watch what replaces the rug. Something sturdier will show up. No longer can we bend until we break for the mind's comfort. We must reach unconditioned consciousness, something the mind knows nothing about.
Though it is a well-known fact that human beings are the most complex species in the galaxy and that each and every one of us are sorting, unplugging and untangling more webs of deception than words can adequately explain, still we were designed to dissolve it and evolve away from it all. It's all about choice and taking responsibility to be in complete integrity with every single aspect of life. (Integrity means when the inside of ourselves and the outside of ourselves are in complete alignment.) That is often easier said than done isn't it?
It's also the very reason why we are getting more and more energetic help, on the ground help, inter-dimensional help and Light code insertions that along with our collaboration will lead us to our goal. Turn toward that help consistently and away from the mind.
Multiple beings from higher dimensions and star systems know, and you know, that during our numerous incarnations we went so far away from our original natures and multidimensionality that we literally have had to claw our way back to ourselves and to our original natures, in the dark, not the Light. For that we are loved beyond measure and heralded throughout the galaxies as heroes.
In tandem to that we said yes to collapsing a deeply corrupted grid that has held the human species in place (in prison really) for thousands of years. And, we said yes to creating an entirely new reality by unplugging from the former one, piece-by-piece, thought-by-thought, choice-by-choice and action-by-action. A feat never before accomplished by such a youthful complex species, or any species for that matter.
You might ask, what the heck were we thinking? We weren't. We were using our hearts and committing to Love on a planet where love was sparse and conditional. We were committing to our children that hadn't even been born to us yet and theirs, as well. We were committing to our ancestors, and to the One that created us. We said we would come here and make a spectacular leap in consciousness that would have rippling effects backwards and forwards. We committed to upgrading the human experience for all times to come.
We committed to closing down what some have called "The Dense Therapy Planet" and activating a high vibratory Planet with a Christed Crystalline Grid, where love is a matter of fact, faith is replaced with knowing, and hearts have no need for walls or boundaries. And we are doing it!
Make a vow that everyday you will consciously unplug more and more from the third dimensional grid of fear, facade and manipulation, and from the "who you are not" parts of yourself. Make that vow and follow through. Accept that nothing is wrong. Don't let your mind attempt to convince you otherwise. Nothing is wrong. You are in the deep layers of the remembering phase and switching grids, which can be agitating when it goes against what your human nature is accustomed to. Preparations are being made by you and for you for your future life. Neither is done cooking yet. Have patience, surrender everything, and stay out of fear.
Let the chemistry with the third dimensional grid that pulsed through you and controlled you finally run out. Once done, you will be ready to be plugged into the mainline of the new grid of evolution, and your way will be made clear. We made the commitment and God made the Promise.
While you are hanging between grids hone your skills of love and compassion for yourself, become responsible for your energy field, and strengthen your patience and endurance muscles. Don't buy into any further fear from the world external. That world is no longer your Master, though it will try to be. Turn a deaf ear. Bless every facet of your former life and the former world and those that played a part in it, and let it go. Create the life you desire, from a place of peace and internal harmony.
Snuggle up with your heart and Soul, as they are your new leaders. Learn how to have meaningful rapport and love with them. It will serve you in ways you can barely imagine.
In closing, I recently read this poem from "Anonymous." The words are quite fitting for the time we are hanging between grids, remembering, and literally re-creating our Magnificence.
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
Copyright Maureen Moss 2009. Please feel comfortable to share this with others. I just ask that you include my name and websites:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Emotional Freedom Technique
The most powerful way to allow the perfect health of the body is to first clear it of its goop!
Everything is energy including your memories and thoughts. In my work I find old past goop in the human body and its fields daily. We all carry past pain and trauma without ever realizing the damage it is doing to our health.
These are the times to shed...to allow a vibration of wellness to shimmer.
Years ago I happened upon The Emotional Freedom Technique and it has helped me to release an amazing amount of low vibration emotional energy. I love it because it is FREE and FUN, my two favorite things! and because I can tell the truth and honor how I feel about it.
You simply tap lightly on 7 spots while you tell the truth about how you feel (yes cuss if it feels good) and end each sentence with
"I love and accept myself". The 7 spots are end points on the Meridian lines of the body and each holds the energy of an emotion.
When you activate a line, by tapping or stretching, it self regulates into its proper frequency of vibration, allowing health.
For example...
Even though I feel really overwhelmed right now I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m experiencing a lot of stress right I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m really angry about this situation I love and accept myself.
Even though I hate this &(*&*, I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m experiencing some anger towards myself right now I love and accept myself.
Even though I feel like dying, I love and accept myself.
Tell the TRUTH about how you feel as you tap, say it outloud...
The way you feel will change and then you dont feel like saying that anymore you feel like saying something else. Maybe totally different, maybe just slightly, but say whatever you feel like saying.
You cannot make a mistake, be real and honest, it is so liberating and fun! You will be amazed what is hiding underneath.
While tapping out feelings of being lonely one day I found a past trauma moment that happened while mowing hay on the farm when I was 14 yrs old! Who knew that was under there?
But when I look at it I realize it had helped to form my perceptions that affect my life, and now it is different.
I have shed.
www.emofree.com is the original website. It offers free things, the other thousands of websites that came later mostly want your $.
After you have honored yourself and shed, fill in the empty spaces with these loving comments to your heart.
Heart thoughts
Rejoicing I am whole and complete in who I am
I am a powerful being of love and light
I am perfect and divine in who I am
I am present and powerful in my truth
I am divine love
I am happy and create the life I love
Today is a divine blessed infinitely abundant day
I am ready I am ready I am ready
I am a divine being of love and light
Love abounds abundantly and flows freely within me
I can relax and know that everything is in divine timing
I am worthy to have good things come into my life
My destiny is ever present and I flow easily and effortlessly with my destiny
All good things are present now in my awareness and I embrace them
I am divine love wellbeing flows freely within
I can relax and flow with infinite possibilities
My time is now and I am ready
My time is now and I am ready
Everything is energy including your memories and thoughts. In my work I find old past goop in the human body and its fields daily. We all carry past pain and trauma without ever realizing the damage it is doing to our health.
These are the times to shed...to allow a vibration of wellness to shimmer.
Years ago I happened upon The Emotional Freedom Technique and it has helped me to release an amazing amount of low vibration emotional energy. I love it because it is FREE and FUN, my two favorite things! and because I can tell the truth and honor how I feel about it.
You simply tap lightly on 7 spots while you tell the truth about how you feel (yes cuss if it feels good) and end each sentence with
"I love and accept myself". The 7 spots are end points on the Meridian lines of the body and each holds the energy of an emotion.
When you activate a line, by tapping or stretching, it self regulates into its proper frequency of vibration, allowing health.
For example...
Even though I feel really overwhelmed right now I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m experiencing a lot of stress right I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m really angry about this situation I love and accept myself.
Even though I hate this &(*&*, I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m experiencing some anger towards myself right now I love and accept myself.
Even though I feel like dying, I love and accept myself.
Tell the TRUTH about how you feel as you tap, say it outloud...
The way you feel will change and then you dont feel like saying that anymore you feel like saying something else. Maybe totally different, maybe just slightly, but say whatever you feel like saying.
You cannot make a mistake, be real and honest, it is so liberating and fun! You will be amazed what is hiding underneath.
While tapping out feelings of being lonely one day I found a past trauma moment that happened while mowing hay on the farm when I was 14 yrs old! Who knew that was under there?
But when I look at it I realize it had helped to form my perceptions that affect my life, and now it is different.
I have shed.
www.emofree.com is the original website. It offers free things, the other thousands of websites that came later mostly want your $.
After you have honored yourself and shed, fill in the empty spaces with these loving comments to your heart.
Heart thoughts
Rejoicing I am whole and complete in who I am
I am a powerful being of love and light
I am perfect and divine in who I am
I am present and powerful in my truth
I am divine love
I am happy and create the life I love
Today is a divine blessed infinitely abundant day
I am ready I am ready I am ready
I am a divine being of love and light
Love abounds abundantly and flows freely within me
I can relax and know that everything is in divine timing
I am worthy to have good things come into my life
My destiny is ever present and I flow easily and effortlessly with my destiny
All good things are present now in my awareness and I embrace them
I am divine love wellbeing flows freely within
I can relax and flow with infinite possibilities
My time is now and I am ready
My time is now and I am ready
Monday, August 17, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Deeply Diving
I have found a blessing
as my deepest wound appeared...
I was in the exact vibration of the original pain!
Oh it hurt! oh, oh searing heart slicing hurt...
that vibration...
THE vibration.
What a blessing to be able to see it and feel it
and recognize it for what it was!
I observed how it had affected my whole life,
the choices I had made because if it.
The beliefs I held as a result of it,
the fears it began.
What a blessing as I reveled in it,
again not by choice but again thrust upon me
what an opportunity...
this timely time as Observer without Victim...
releasing it as promised in the Divine Plan.
Now is the time for excavation of buried treasure!
Dive deep, reach for pearls, little soul deaths.
Kick up the sandy bottom, lose yourself in the pain
long enough to get your fingers around it.
Rise to the surface with it in tow.
Bring it into the Light.
See it for what it is...
See yourself as you are
Luminous Lover
It has no power now!
as my deepest wound appeared...
I was in the exact vibration of the original pain!
Oh it hurt! oh, oh searing heart slicing hurt...
that vibration...
THE vibration.
What a blessing to be able to see it and feel it
and recognize it for what it was!
I observed how it had affected my whole life,
the choices I had made because if it.
The beliefs I held as a result of it,
the fears it began.
What a blessing as I reveled in it,
again not by choice but again thrust upon me
what an opportunity...
this timely time as Observer without Victim...
releasing it as promised in the Divine Plan.
Now is the time for excavation of buried treasure!
Dive deep, reach for pearls, little soul deaths.
Kick up the sandy bottom, lose yourself in the pain
long enough to get your fingers around it.
Rise to the surface with it in tow.
Bring it into the Light.
See it for what it is...
See yourself as you are
Luminous Lover
It has no power now!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
perceptions on generosity
Soon I will be traveling to South Dakota to a reservation to serve the Lakota community. I was told the children were hungry so I put the word out to friends, family and clients for donations. I want to thank each and every one of you who gave small and large to the cause.
Thank you so very much. It will be used as wisely as possible to spread as far as possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
This may sound like a judgment, I am sorry, I do not mean it as such; it is really an observation and query into the heart of it all.
I have found it a very interesting study on generosity. I have to say I was quite surprised. It is just my perception and I do not have all the facts. I most certainly do not know what the thoughts of a person are that leads them to choose am amount to give!
It appears to me those who seems to have it to give...by that I mean they have high paying jobs and big houses in clean, safe suburbs, all the new electronics and full pantries...must think they do not, because they have given the smallest amounts. Amounts much smaller than they spend on a meal at a restaurant, or a tank of gas in their shiny SUVs. While one friend who is living in an efficiency apt with her 14 yr old grandson and barely making ends meet has given a huge sum of money; what I would guess to be half her rent and utilities combined! How can she do that? She does it without hesitation and without regret.
I do not understand it, I am willing to be schooled.
Is it that the poor know what it means to have nothing? They understand hunger and children who have only a few toys?
Is my perception incorrect about those who seem to have? Do they really not have and are up to their eyeballs in debt instead?
Maybe if their donation was recorded in a way they could claim it on taxes it would be larger?
I imagine there are many studies that show the how and why of it all.I will have to research it, maybe then I will understand.
Which is the advice I would give to those who did not give a monetary donation but instead gave this statement, "the government gives those people everything they need."
Thank you so very much. It will be used as wisely as possible to spread as far as possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
This may sound like a judgment, I am sorry, I do not mean it as such; it is really an observation and query into the heart of it all.
I have found it a very interesting study on generosity. I have to say I was quite surprised. It is just my perception and I do not have all the facts. I most certainly do not know what the thoughts of a person are that leads them to choose am amount to give!
It appears to me those who seems to have it to give...by that I mean they have high paying jobs and big houses in clean, safe suburbs, all the new electronics and full pantries...must think they do not, because they have given the smallest amounts. Amounts much smaller than they spend on a meal at a restaurant, or a tank of gas in their shiny SUVs. While one friend who is living in an efficiency apt with her 14 yr old grandson and barely making ends meet has given a huge sum of money; what I would guess to be half her rent and utilities combined! How can she do that? She does it without hesitation and without regret.
I do not understand it, I am willing to be schooled.
Is it that the poor know what it means to have nothing? They understand hunger and children who have only a few toys?
Is my perception incorrect about those who seem to have? Do they really not have and are up to their eyeballs in debt instead?
Maybe if their donation was recorded in a way they could claim it on taxes it would be larger?
I imagine there are many studies that show the how and why of it all.I will have to research it, maybe then I will understand.
Which is the advice I would give to those who did not give a monetary donation but instead gave this statement, "the government gives those people everything they need."
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
three eclipse
Lots of changes are going on. Can you feel the energy shifts? We are in the midst of a very strong three-eclipse period. On July 7th, we had a lunar eclipse, which always occurs during a full moon. It is when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and the full Moon temporarily appears dark. The full moon brings expansive energy, so keep your eyes and ears open to take advantage of opportunities and support while avoiding the dangers. It is a good time to reassess your goals and life plan, as it was in Capricorn, ruler of business, infrastructures and ancestors.
On July 21-22, we experienced a total eclipse of the Sun (solar eclipse). This one was primarily only visible in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and China and lasted for 6 minutes and 30 seconds when most only last a couple of minutes. Many people in these countries celebrated the "dark dawn" as they have through the centuries with ancient rites as solar eclipses have often foreshadowed (pun intended) major life-changing events. This eclipse is in Cancer, so you are reminded to focus on family and home. Be aware of your emotions!
The last eclipse in this 3-eclipse period will occur on August 5. It will be another lunar eclipse (they always come in pairs) during a full moon. This time it is in Aquarius, ruler of the "i's" - intellect, idealism, independence and invention.
As you can see, the alignment of the planets have a major impact on events in our lives. They advise of opportunistic moments and times when you need to retract, go within and rethink. During this strong eclipse period, just take notice of what's going on around you.
I hope that you are having a great summer!
On July 21-22, we experienced a total eclipse of the Sun (solar eclipse). This one was primarily only visible in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and China and lasted for 6 minutes and 30 seconds when most only last a couple of minutes. Many people in these countries celebrated the "dark dawn" as they have through the centuries with ancient rites as solar eclipses have often foreshadowed (pun intended) major life-changing events. This eclipse is in Cancer, so you are reminded to focus on family and home. Be aware of your emotions!
The last eclipse in this 3-eclipse period will occur on August 5. It will be another lunar eclipse (they always come in pairs) during a full moon. This time it is in Aquarius, ruler of the "i's" - intellect, idealism, independence and invention.
As you can see, the alignment of the planets have a major impact on events in our lives. They advise of opportunistic moments and times when you need to retract, go within and rethink. During this strong eclipse period, just take notice of what's going on around you.
I hope that you are having a great summer!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Spill the oil lamp,
set this dry boring place of fire!
If you have ever made wanton love with God
then you have ignited that Brilliant Light Inside
that every person needs.
So spill the oil...
So spill the oil.
set this dry boring place of fire!
If you have ever made wanton love with God
then you have ignited that Brilliant Light Inside
that every person needs.
So spill the oil...
So spill the oil.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Do your Homework!
So many of my clients and friends have been going through the wars, it has been a rough ride for many people right now. You're not the only one! Hold on to your hats, make sure your knickers are untwisted and, keep your hair on, as they say in England!
Your spiritual path is no longer just night school! It's boot camp, 24/7. It owns you! Best to muster all the "peaceful warrior" energy you have and face into the wind. Just keep plodding. Stay focused. It will pass, and your landscape will be changed, but don't lose your cool. Be generous, loving, and firm, even when those around you--and especially your family are being their less than ideal selves. I've been watching families backing into a prickly hedge. That's the best way I can put it, both as individuals and as a collective energetic unit. Remember those horror movies--don't go into the cellar!
Well, don't back into the prickly hedge! Therein lays only the old mire you never liked anyway. Leave the past family issues.
Our homework is to forgive and forget.
What I've learned is there is a price to not doing your homework
Do it as if your life/marriage/career/whatever important issue we've been working on depends upon it. Your spiritual balance does depend on you doing your homework. You struck a bargain with the universe you paid the cost of the energetic exchange and what?; you are going to welch on the deal?? You believe in the process enough so you better believe enough to do your homework and keep yourself in balance with the universe.
We are experiencing tremendous shedding and transformation. Fun is showing up too--pay attention to the good stuff. There is really GOOD LOVE stuff happening! Watch for it!
Your spiritual path is no longer just night school! It's boot camp, 24/7. It owns you! Best to muster all the "peaceful warrior" energy you have and face into the wind. Just keep plodding. Stay focused. It will pass, and your landscape will be changed, but don't lose your cool. Be generous, loving, and firm, even when those around you--and especially your family are being their less than ideal selves. I've been watching families backing into a prickly hedge. That's the best way I can put it, both as individuals and as a collective energetic unit. Remember those horror movies--don't go into the cellar!
Well, don't back into the prickly hedge! Therein lays only the old mire you never liked anyway. Leave the past family issues.
Our homework is to forgive and forget.
What I've learned is there is a price to not doing your homework
Do it as if your life/marriage/career/whatever important issue we've been working on depends upon it. Your spiritual balance does depend on you doing your homework. You struck a bargain with the universe you paid the cost of the energetic exchange and what?; you are going to welch on the deal?? You believe in the process enough so you better believe enough to do your homework and keep yourself in balance with the universe.
We are experiencing tremendous shedding and transformation. Fun is showing up too--pay attention to the good stuff. There is really GOOD LOVE stuff happening! Watch for it!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
check this out
Monday, June 29, 2009
removing your stress by mastering your mind
The Golden Key
The following excerpt is from the pamphlet called The Golden Key by Emmet Fox.
“May The Golden Key be the means of opening your door to health, freedom and knowledge of God.
“Scientific prayer will enable you to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty. It is the golden key to harmony and happiness. ...You must stop thinking of the trouble, whatever it is. The rule is to think about God. If you are thinking about your difficulty, you are not thinking about God. ...Your object is to drive the thought of the difficulty out of your consciousness, for a few moments at least, substituting for it the thought of God. This is the crux of the whole thing.
“... If you are very frightened or worried, at first it may be difficult to get your thoughts away from material things. But by constantly repeating a statement of absolute Truth, such as: There is no power but God; I am the child of God; God is love; God is guiding me now, or perhaps best and simplest of all, God is with me ... you will soon find that the treatment has begun to ‘take’ and that your mind is clearing. ... Each time you find your attention wandering, switch it back to God.”
Focus on God
To you help you focus on God rather than difficulties in your life, use these guided meditations from Unity.
The following excerpt is from the pamphlet called The Golden Key by Emmet Fox.
“May The Golden Key be the means of opening your door to health, freedom and knowledge of God.
“Scientific prayer will enable you to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty. It is the golden key to harmony and happiness. ...You must stop thinking of the trouble, whatever it is. The rule is to think about God. If you are thinking about your difficulty, you are not thinking about God. ...Your object is to drive the thought of the difficulty out of your consciousness, for a few moments at least, substituting for it the thought of God. This is the crux of the whole thing.
“... If you are very frightened or worried, at first it may be difficult to get your thoughts away from material things. But by constantly repeating a statement of absolute Truth, such as: There is no power but God; I am the child of God; God is love; God is guiding me now, or perhaps best and simplest of all, God is with me ... you will soon find that the treatment has begun to ‘take’ and that your mind is clearing. ... Each time you find your attention wandering, switch it back to God.”
Focus on God
To you help you focus on God rather than difficulties in your life, use these guided meditations from Unity.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
pieces of you
When we pay attention to things a luminous thread of our energy follows that thought to the destination. Pieces of our selves are going out and away from us.
If we are worried about a situation at work or at home a thread of worry energy...a strand of vibration of worry attaches to the situation and deposits this frequency. Worry is a low frequency. It makes thing worse.
If we replace worry with a Blessing we are depositing or attaching a high frequency of vibration which makes things better.
To what and whom are you attaching? What or who are you feeding with your energy? With pieces of you?
Try the following statement...try it often, say it until it is second nature.
If we are worried about a situation at work or at home a thread of worry energy...a strand of vibration of worry attaches to the situation and deposits this frequency. Worry is a low frequency. It makes thing worse.
If we replace worry with a Blessing we are depositing or attaching a high frequency of vibration which makes things better.
To what and whom are you attaching? What or who are you feeding with your energy? With pieces of you?
Try the following statement...try it often, say it until it is second nature.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
“If you were God, with limitless resources and power, how might you go about creating a world for your children? Surely, you would want to create a world over which you could keep a watchful eye; a world where you could hear your children's cries and respond as necessary. You would not be likely to send your children away, out of sight and out of mind, because, first, you would want them close at hand, and second, there is no Other into whose care you could or would entrust them. A world where they could exercise their will and judgment without in any way affecting your plans for their future. A world where they could experience the joy and the pain of life and grow in wisdom, maturity, and strength of character -- where they could learn what it means to love and to be loved, to inflict pain and to be hurt, and to choose between these alternatives. A world where your children could be ultimately safe, no matter what happens. To accomplish all of this, you might consider letting your children romp in the image of a world. And so, you might go about creating the Divine equivalent of a computer simulation.” Ross Rhode
This sums it all up for me! For years I have been telling people that the world we exist in is rather like the Holodeck on Startrek!
This sums it all up for me! For years I have been telling people that the world we exist in is rather like the Holodeck on Startrek!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Baby Olivia
She was born just two days ago and is under 2 pounds but what a little warrior. She is here and she is staying! Having convinced everyone she relaxed and stretched out fully to see how big her new environment really was...she intends to conquer this reality world.
Hey baby, welcome to the other heaven, I know you know everything I have forgotten about the heaven you just came from. Lets teach each other what we know.
Hey baby, welcome to the other heaven, I know you know everything I have forgotten about the heaven you just came from. Lets teach each other what we know.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
daily meditation
This meditation is designed to put you in contact with the Universal Subconscious Mind, to provide you with a sense of peace, power and security, for only with this sense of the absolute~ can you go through your day in complete self-realization and unlimited power.
Love you,
I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been, and that I always will be.
There is inside me a place of confidence and quietness and security
where all things are known and understood.
This is the Universal Mind, God, of which I am a part
and which responds to me as I ask of it.
This universal mind knows the answer to all of my problems,
and even now the answers are speeding their way to me.
I needn't struggle for them;
I needn't worry or strive for them.
When the time comes, the answers will be there.
I give my problems to the great mind of God; I let go of them,
confident that the correct answers will return to me when they are needed.
Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need
for my work and fulfillment will come to me.
It is not necessary that I strain about this, only believe.
For in the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so.
I see the hand of divine intelligence all about me,
in the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow.
I know that the intelligence that created all these things is in me
and around me and that I can call upon it for my slightest need.
I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit and that spirit is perfect;
therefore my body is perfect also.
I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant demonstration
of the power and wonder of the universe and myself.
I am confident. I am serene. I am sure.
No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path,
I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion.
There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to the mind of God,
which is in me, and around me, and serves me now.
Love you,
I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been, and that I always will be.
There is inside me a place of confidence and quietness and security
where all things are known and understood.
This is the Universal Mind, God, of which I am a part
and which responds to me as I ask of it.
This universal mind knows the answer to all of my problems,
and even now the answers are speeding their way to me.
I needn't struggle for them;
I needn't worry or strive for them.
When the time comes, the answers will be there.
I give my problems to the great mind of God; I let go of them,
confident that the correct answers will return to me when they are needed.
Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need
for my work and fulfillment will come to me.
It is not necessary that I strain about this, only believe.
For in the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so.
I see the hand of divine intelligence all about me,
in the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow.
I know that the intelligence that created all these things is in me
and around me and that I can call upon it for my slightest need.
I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit and that spirit is perfect;
therefore my body is perfect also.
I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant demonstration
of the power and wonder of the universe and myself.
I am confident. I am serene. I am sure.
No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path,
I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion.
There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to the mind of God,
which is in me, and around me, and serves me now.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
choosing Peace
Often we look at the outside world and find it in a state of seeming chaos or disorder. We feel compelled to transform the situation from one of turmoil into one of peace, yet we are often disappointed in our best attempts to do so. One reason for this is that we cannot bring to the world what we do not have to offer. Peace starts in our own minds and hearts, not outside of ourselves, and until its roots are firmly entrenched in our own selves, we cannot manifest it externally. Once we have found it within, we can share it with our family, our community, and the whole wide world. Some of us may already be doing just that, but for most of us, the first step is looking within and honestly evaluating the state of our own relationship to peacefulness.
Interestingly, people who manifest peace internally are not different from us; they have chattering thoughts and troubled emotions like we all do. The difference is that they do not lend their energy to them, so those thoughts and feelings can simply rise and fall like the waves of the ocean without disturbing the deeper waters of peacefulness within. We all have this ability to choose how we distribute our energy, and practice enables us to grow increasingly more serene as we choose the vibration of peace over the vibration of conflict. We begin to see our thoughts and feelings as tiny objects on the surface of our being that pose no threat to the deep interior stillness that is the source of peacefulness.
When we find that we are able to locate ourselves more and more in the deeper waters and less on the tumultuous surface of our being, we have discovered a lasting relationship with peace that will enable us to inspire peace beyond ourselves. Until then, we help the world most by practicing the art of choosing peace within.
The Daily OM
Often we look at the outside world and find it in a state of seeming chaos or disorder. We feel compelled to transform the situation from one of turmoil into one of peace, yet we are often disappointed in our best attempts to do so. One reason for this is that we cannot bring to the world what we do not have to offer. Peace starts in our own minds and hearts, not outside of ourselves, and until its roots are firmly entrenched in our own selves, we cannot manifest it externally. Once we have found it within, we can share it with our family, our community, and the whole wide world. Some of us may already be doing just that, but for most of us, the first step is looking within and honestly evaluating the state of our own relationship to peacefulness.
Interestingly, people who manifest peace internally are not different from us; they have chattering thoughts and troubled emotions like we all do. The difference is that they do not lend their energy to them, so those thoughts and feelings can simply rise and fall like the waves of the ocean without disturbing the deeper waters of peacefulness within. We all have this ability to choose how we distribute our energy, and practice enables us to grow increasingly more serene as we choose the vibration of peace over the vibration of conflict. We begin to see our thoughts and feelings as tiny objects on the surface of our being that pose no threat to the deep interior stillness that is the source of peacefulness.
When we find that we are able to locate ourselves more and more in the deeper waters and less on the tumultuous surface of our being, we have discovered a lasting relationship with peace that will enable us to inspire peace beyond ourselves. Until then, we help the world most by practicing the art of choosing peace within.
The Daily OM
where ever I am, I am on Sacred Ground
Where ever I am, I am on sacred ground. Divine healing energy, the activity of Love, is flowing in each cell in my Being. I relax and allow Love. I feel calm and strong. I am silent, breathing deeply in Love.
I am in Divine Order. My Luminous Body resets the image I project in to the hologram. It mirrors Divine Order. Where ever I am, I am on sacred ground.
The portal of my mind is open to divine ideas-understanding that far surpasses anything else I can learn. Divine ideas become a part of my conscious awareness.
I am the Full Expression of the Idea.
I am in Divine Order. My Luminous Body resets the image I project in to the hologram. It mirrors Divine Order. Where ever I am, I am on sacred ground.
The portal of my mind is open to divine ideas-understanding that far surpasses anything else I can learn. Divine ideas become a part of my conscious awareness.
I am the Full Expression of the Idea.
From one of my teachers:
"If you do not believe in magic, your life will not be magical. Magic, like the power of Stonehenge, is part of the unknowable - that which you cannot describe, but which exists and makes your life extraordinary. It is part of the goodness of your spirit. It is that mysterious and intriguing part of your spiritual life. Magic is what we are all looking for, but if you try to hold it and name it and describe it, you will lose it. You must talk around magic, describe what led you there, and give thanks for that part of the universe that is unknowable and full of color and strength and magic. Out of relationship comes magic. Out of the mists of dawn and the mysteries of creation comes the magic that we call life. Out of your passion for existence comes magic." (Magic card The Power Deck)
Right now, more than ever, we need to have sacred circles in our lives. We need to be very aware and very conscious of the challenges we face all across our earth, and we must all participate in resolving these challenges in a way that promotes harmony and balance in the world. This is not the time to stick your head in the sand.
We are birthing a new paradigm into the world at this very moment. It is a paradigm which is based on balance between the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine, as the patriarchy struggles and dies and the goddess returns to our world. It is a paradigm which is based on personal responsibility rather than the culture of victim-hood.
We need magic to go through this gateway. Magic is what makes our lives extraordinary. We need to own our power instead of letting others own our power for us. We need to enrich our power as we gather with others of like mind, who are also taking their power in a sacred way. Magic shows us how to do that, for magic comes from the goodness of your spirit. We cannot get through this gateway without goodness of spirit, it is that simple.
When I speak about power, I am not talking about control over anyone or anything in terms of manipulation and domination. I am speaking of power as the energy that flows between all things. I am speaking of power as the understanding of the spiritual energy that flows through all things.
Over and over again, I have spoken of the Great Dreamer awakening. In a very real sense, that is what is causing all of the stress that surrounds us. We are going through a shift, and no matter how urgently that shift is needed, change never comes easily. Just look at the enormity of Spring storms, at the huge amount of energy that is needed to push through the frigid temperatures so that the earth can thaw out and life within her reawaken.
Even when we so urgently want change, humans do a funny thing when change is actually upon us. We hold on! We hold on to what is familiar, even when we know it is not working. Holding on is a process of mind that is born in fear. And that makes it even worse. So when you find that you are holding on to old habits, old ideas, old ways that you know are no longer working, take a good look at the fear that is behind your holding on. Your fear is what needs to be shifted.
How do you let go of fear? You shape-shift out of it, that's what you do. You shape-shift out of fear by becoming educated about what it is you fear. Once you learn about something, you discover that it is no longer scary, because then you can begin to learn what it is you have to do to make it right for you. Understanding comes, and you find that you are actually able to relax into the moment. That is when you find yourself on the other side of fear. You begin to say "Yes" to all of the life, light and joy that are available to you in the absence of fear. Contrary to what we have been told, fear does not make you stronger; it weakens you terribly.
"Truth is the only purity. The energy that you have been feeling is a kind of truth; in actuality it is a force. Most people on earth think that the physical world and the spirit world are combined, that they are one and the same.
"They also think that force or energy is part of the material world and is usually produced by it. But I will tell you this. The force that you have felt in your dreams is a pervading energy that people the world over are feeling and do not understand. They experience the energy as a ‘speeding up.' Their lives are moving faster and they can barely keep up with their shifts in consciousness and the needs of everyday life.
"They don't understand that spirit is increasing their needs so that new mirrors can be formed. These mirrors are teachers if only the people will have the courage to look into them and learn. This is a time of great planetary change. Many of the great time calendars are ending now because we are entering a new age of wisdom. We have the possibility of creating a new world of heightened understanding. Many ancient truths will be revealed to you in the coming months. We live in a time of vision. The great libraries of knowledge will be opened to many from different paths and religions. There is much for you to learn, but truth is never reached without struggle on the human path."
We will be coming together to break down our own barriers and the barriers that are keeping people of spirit apart throughout the world. It is time to experience the thunder drums, the great Thunder Beings of thunder and lightening that bring illumination into our lives. We are in a time of reckoning. This entire year,in all of the many ways that have been gifted to us by spirit to bring us together; this entire year is about your commitment to self-realization, your understanding of where abundance truly comes from, and learning to place the gift of beauty in life into truth. Beauty is an aspect of God's creative force.
Lynn Andrews
"If you do not believe in magic, your life will not be magical. Magic, like the power of Stonehenge, is part of the unknowable - that which you cannot describe, but which exists and makes your life extraordinary. It is part of the goodness of your spirit. It is that mysterious and intriguing part of your spiritual life. Magic is what we are all looking for, but if you try to hold it and name it and describe it, you will lose it. You must talk around magic, describe what led you there, and give thanks for that part of the universe that is unknowable and full of color and strength and magic. Out of relationship comes magic. Out of the mists of dawn and the mysteries of creation comes the magic that we call life. Out of your passion for existence comes magic." (Magic card The Power Deck)
Right now, more than ever, we need to have sacred circles in our lives. We need to be very aware and very conscious of the challenges we face all across our earth, and we must all participate in resolving these challenges in a way that promotes harmony and balance in the world. This is not the time to stick your head in the sand.
We are birthing a new paradigm into the world at this very moment. It is a paradigm which is based on balance between the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine, as the patriarchy struggles and dies and the goddess returns to our world. It is a paradigm which is based on personal responsibility rather than the culture of victim-hood.
We need magic to go through this gateway. Magic is what makes our lives extraordinary. We need to own our power instead of letting others own our power for us. We need to enrich our power as we gather with others of like mind, who are also taking their power in a sacred way. Magic shows us how to do that, for magic comes from the goodness of your spirit. We cannot get through this gateway without goodness of spirit, it is that simple.
When I speak about power, I am not talking about control over anyone or anything in terms of manipulation and domination. I am speaking of power as the energy that flows between all things. I am speaking of power as the understanding of the spiritual energy that flows through all things.
Over and over again, I have spoken of the Great Dreamer awakening. In a very real sense, that is what is causing all of the stress that surrounds us. We are going through a shift, and no matter how urgently that shift is needed, change never comes easily. Just look at the enormity of Spring storms, at the huge amount of energy that is needed to push through the frigid temperatures so that the earth can thaw out and life within her reawaken.
Even when we so urgently want change, humans do a funny thing when change is actually upon us. We hold on! We hold on to what is familiar, even when we know it is not working. Holding on is a process of mind that is born in fear. And that makes it even worse. So when you find that you are holding on to old habits, old ideas, old ways that you know are no longer working, take a good look at the fear that is behind your holding on. Your fear is what needs to be shifted.
How do you let go of fear? You shape-shift out of it, that's what you do. You shape-shift out of fear by becoming educated about what it is you fear. Once you learn about something, you discover that it is no longer scary, because then you can begin to learn what it is you have to do to make it right for you. Understanding comes, and you find that you are actually able to relax into the moment. That is when you find yourself on the other side of fear. You begin to say "Yes" to all of the life, light and joy that are available to you in the absence of fear. Contrary to what we have been told, fear does not make you stronger; it weakens you terribly.
"Truth is the only purity. The energy that you have been feeling is a kind of truth; in actuality it is a force. Most people on earth think that the physical world and the spirit world are combined, that they are one and the same.
"They also think that force or energy is part of the material world and is usually produced by it. But I will tell you this. The force that you have felt in your dreams is a pervading energy that people the world over are feeling and do not understand. They experience the energy as a ‘speeding up.' Their lives are moving faster and they can barely keep up with their shifts in consciousness and the needs of everyday life.
"They don't understand that spirit is increasing their needs so that new mirrors can be formed. These mirrors are teachers if only the people will have the courage to look into them and learn. This is a time of great planetary change. Many of the great time calendars are ending now because we are entering a new age of wisdom. We have the possibility of creating a new world of heightened understanding. Many ancient truths will be revealed to you in the coming months. We live in a time of vision. The great libraries of knowledge will be opened to many from different paths and religions. There is much for you to learn, but truth is never reached without struggle on the human path."
We will be coming together to break down our own barriers and the barriers that are keeping people of spirit apart throughout the world. It is time to experience the thunder drums, the great Thunder Beings of thunder and lightening that bring illumination into our lives. We are in a time of reckoning. This entire year,in all of the many ways that have been gifted to us by spirit to bring us together; this entire year is about your commitment to self-realization, your understanding of where abundance truly comes from, and learning to place the gift of beauty in life into truth. Beauty is an aspect of God's creative force.
Lynn Andrews
Monday, March 23, 2009
self celebration
This is another great link to your own sanity:
the World Puja Network
Please put your right hand over your hearts and take a breath into the
center of your hearts and feel your own souls love for you.
Do it twice again.
Feel the love that God surrounds you with and the gratitude that
is bestowed upon you for the courage that it took for you to willingly
choose an incarnation that would tax your very spirit in ways that no
incarnation ever has.
Bless yourself for your courage and your willingness to descend into a state of forgetfulness and disharmony in order to return a species and a Planet to Light.
You know and you knew that this transformation would be riddled with
challenge, but you did it anyway. God Blesses You. Bless yourself. Each
step you take forward is cause for celebration. Your singular intent
and actions move mountains of dense consciousness making it possible to birth a New World. That is cause for Self-Celebration and Gratitude.
You are each the most powerful tool the Transition in Consciousness of
Humanity and Planet Earth has. It is you making a commitment to Love,
to God, to yourselves that is the Ascension and makes it possible for
others to be ushered through the transitional doorway.
From me to you, I say thank you, thank you, thank you. You are each a
blessing to The World.
the World Puja Network
Please put your right hand over your hearts and take a breath into the
center of your hearts and feel your own souls love for you.
Do it twice again.
Feel the love that God surrounds you with and the gratitude that
is bestowed upon you for the courage that it took for you to willingly
choose an incarnation that would tax your very spirit in ways that no
incarnation ever has.
Bless yourself for your courage and your willingness to descend into a state of forgetfulness and disharmony in order to return a species and a Planet to Light.
You know and you knew that this transformation would be riddled with
challenge, but you did it anyway. God Blesses You. Bless yourself. Each
step you take forward is cause for celebration. Your singular intent
and actions move mountains of dense consciousness making it possible to birth a New World. That is cause for Self-Celebration and Gratitude.
You are each the most powerful tool the Transition in Consciousness of
Humanity and Planet Earth has. It is you making a commitment to Love,
to God, to yourselves that is the Ascension and makes it possible for
others to be ushered through the transitional doorway.
From me to you, I say thank you, thank you, thank you. You are each a
blessing to The World.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
sent to me by S Don
Spring Is Coming
Friday, March 20 at 4:44 AM PDT, Spring officially arrives.
Our weather is certainly letting us know she is here.
And the buds and blossoms on the trees are speaking loud and clear.
So what does Spring mean to you and me?
Time for renewal.
To being anew requires that we let go of the old.
To hang on to the way it was slows us down.
To be attached to the positive or negative past keeps us stuck.
To remember anything that does not lift and inspire delays and distracts us.
Time to plant the new seeds of opportunity and possibility.
To plant what is beautiful, good and sacred.
To enjoy our vision and bless it with inspiration.
To appreciate what we want to increase and experience.
To honestly choose what is truly highest and best for us.
Time to do Spring cleaning.
Clean out unused stuff.
Forgive old resentments, fears and failures.
Undo whatever it no longer true for us.
Flush away any hurts we have allowed to limit us.
Time to complete the winter conservation and hibernation.
Make sure you have enough rest.
Make sure you have finished the work of acknowledgement and appreciation.
Make sure you have planned and prepared for the coming year with vision and faith.
Make sure you are filled with enthusiasm and confidence as you set out on a new adventure.
All things in due time.
If you are still in winter, wait to till the soil and plant your seeds.
If you need to heal and undo last year’s stuff, then take your tie to complete each task.
If you are not clear on the vision, be patient and wait for the light to dawn.
If you are still in winter, trust Spring will come in due time and be quiet with thanksgiving.
Life is a cycle and a circle of perfection.
To push the river or effort to become will not create success.
Take your time to observe the season of your soul and respect what is.
Always loving you and your creations of Spirit,
The blessings already are, so TRUST.
Friday, March 20 at 4:44 AM PDT, Spring officially arrives.
Our weather is certainly letting us know she is here.
And the buds and blossoms on the trees are speaking loud and clear.
So what does Spring mean to you and me?
Time for renewal.
To being anew requires that we let go of the old.
To hang on to the way it was slows us down.
To be attached to the positive or negative past keeps us stuck.
To remember anything that does not lift and inspire delays and distracts us.
Time to plant the new seeds of opportunity and possibility.
To plant what is beautiful, good and sacred.
To enjoy our vision and bless it with inspiration.
To appreciate what we want to increase and experience.
To honestly choose what is truly highest and best for us.
Time to do Spring cleaning.
Clean out unused stuff.
Forgive old resentments, fears and failures.
Undo whatever it no longer true for us.
Flush away any hurts we have allowed to limit us.
Time to complete the winter conservation and hibernation.
Make sure you have enough rest.
Make sure you have finished the work of acknowledgement and appreciation.
Make sure you have planned and prepared for the coming year with vision and faith.
Make sure you are filled with enthusiasm and confidence as you set out on a new adventure.
All things in due time.
If you are still in winter, wait to till the soil and plant your seeds.
If you need to heal and undo last year’s stuff, then take your tie to complete each task.
If you are not clear on the vision, be patient and wait for the light to dawn.
If you are still in winter, trust Spring will come in due time and be quiet with thanksgiving.
Life is a cycle and a circle of perfection.
To push the river or effort to become will not create success.
Take your time to observe the season of your soul and respect what is.
Always loving you and your creations of Spirit,
The blessings already are, so TRUST.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
path of least resistance
I have been laughing at such an expenditure of energy when it would have been so easy the other way. To Love and show Love is so much easier than creating Drama! Gee can we have a talk on the Path of Least Resistance?
Why the extra energy use?
Why the extra energy use?
Monday, February 16, 2009
written by a soul sister
A Vow of Love for Yourself—Happy Valentine's Day
I wrote this on a day when I didn't feel like writing or being in my own skin. I wanted to be somewhere else or better yet, someone else. I wrote this as a dedication and a commitment to not abandon myself. It strikes me now that it's an appropriate gift to give you for Valentine's Day. I believe the greatest love begins with self-love which begins with self-acceptance. So for all of us who struggle in the moments of being human and uncomfortable, I dedicate this to you...
Show up anyway. Sit before the dry desert. This is an act of honor. I arrive for myself in all conditions. I am not a festive attendant—only interested in my own company when I am light and crackling with mental clarity like lightning. My mind is an unclear lake right now, muddy, sandy, rocky, dry and thick. I see nothing else on the horizon in this moment, no matter what the Platitude Girl says on top of the hill.
Yet I will sit down with myself, put a silky arm around my bony shoulders, sit and pray and be. I will not smack this self across the face by wishing for a different moment. I will not cut and paste her reality. I will not push her aside, anxious to move on. I will sit with this self, be with the difficulty, the anxiety, the pressing lack of certainty. I will sit with this self and be her friend. I will be gentle with my presence by her side. I will sit there until the sun goes down and rises and burns itself out. I will never leave. I will never ask for more or better.
I will be so total in my presence and love that she will feel the silky presence of rose petals running through her bloodstream. She will feel full and present, she will breathe deeply. She will be healed and arise of her own accord. She will breathe a sigh of relief as deep as the well of the earth and as deep as her beginning and ending all rolled into one. She will feel a weight lifted, a gravity will leave her belly and her butterfly heart. She will giggle with all of her being. She will glow as freshly as the new moon. She will leave the barren world behind and plant flowers and seeds for trees and vegetables and roses and sunflowers. She will float up like a dandelion and blow away, she will heal of herself. She will know what to do and when to do it. She will feel loved. And she will know how to love.
This month I ask you to notice where you are tempted to abandon yourself in any way. Can you commit to being kind and present with yourself, no matter what the situation is? Love creates the conditions in which clarity, inspiration and movement occur.
With my love and blessings,
©Copyright 2009 Tama J. Kieves. All rights reserved.
I wrote this on a day when I didn't feel like writing or being in my own skin. I wanted to be somewhere else or better yet, someone else. I wrote this as a dedication and a commitment to not abandon myself. It strikes me now that it's an appropriate gift to give you for Valentine's Day. I believe the greatest love begins with self-love which begins with self-acceptance. So for all of us who struggle in the moments of being human and uncomfortable, I dedicate this to you...
Show up anyway. Sit before the dry desert. This is an act of honor. I arrive for myself in all conditions. I am not a festive attendant—only interested in my own company when I am light and crackling with mental clarity like lightning. My mind is an unclear lake right now, muddy, sandy, rocky, dry and thick. I see nothing else on the horizon in this moment, no matter what the Platitude Girl says on top of the hill.
Yet I will sit down with myself, put a silky arm around my bony shoulders, sit and pray and be. I will not smack this self across the face by wishing for a different moment. I will not cut and paste her reality. I will not push her aside, anxious to move on. I will sit with this self, be with the difficulty, the anxiety, the pressing lack of certainty. I will sit with this self and be her friend. I will be gentle with my presence by her side. I will sit there until the sun goes down and rises and burns itself out. I will never leave. I will never ask for more or better.
I will be so total in my presence and love that she will feel the silky presence of rose petals running through her bloodstream. She will feel full and present, she will breathe deeply. She will be healed and arise of her own accord. She will breathe a sigh of relief as deep as the well of the earth and as deep as her beginning and ending all rolled into one. She will feel a weight lifted, a gravity will leave her belly and her butterfly heart. She will giggle with all of her being. She will glow as freshly as the new moon. She will leave the barren world behind and plant flowers and seeds for trees and vegetables and roses and sunflowers. She will float up like a dandelion and blow away, she will heal of herself. She will know what to do and when to do it. She will feel loved. And she will know how to love.
This month I ask you to notice where you are tempted to abandon yourself in any way. Can you commit to being kind and present with yourself, no matter what the situation is? Love creates the conditions in which clarity, inspiration and movement occur.
With my love and blessings,
©Copyright 2009 Tama J. Kieves. All rights reserved.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
more are playing the game
Just heard from a girlfriend who is playing the LOVE game everyday with co-workers. Seems one of their managers is a surly girl, crabby most days so they have been love bombing her as they pass or when they hear her voice on the intercom. Stay turned to see how long it takes her to shift into a smile!
She may never know what hit her! And you know what? it will not matter! She has been loved and will, without a doubt, shift and be more loving herself. Thats how the game works! My friend is already more happy at work having shifted herself!
I love that girl!
Anyone else out there playing?
She may never know what hit her! And you know what? it will not matter! She has been loved and will, without a doubt, shift and be more loving herself. Thats how the game works! My friend is already more happy at work having shifted herself!
I love that girl!
Anyone else out there playing?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
What can I do? Get High!!
Everybody asks themselves that question once in a while because it seems the problems of the world are so huge and they are just one person with their own problems that need fixed.
The only thing to do is to get high! Become your happiest self! Get real, get warrior like in your own Bliss. Get incredible high and influence everyone around you with your vibration no matter how difficult it is!
Drop everything else and start doing the most fantastic fun silly real things you can think of- become your most happy self.
Be bold and direct and honest and energetic! You know what to do!
If you don't think you know then do nothing until you do, this method never fails.
Pure receptivity leads to Pure creativity.
Take everything that is strong in you and put it to work, set it free. Never mind what anyone else thinks. Take that which you love and stretch it to the limits of crazy fun! You will amaze yourself at how good you feel and how much good you'll do just by radiating Joy pure energy outward...
Everyone around you will get a contact high!
The only thing to do is to get high! Become your happiest self! Get real, get warrior like in your own Bliss. Get incredible high and influence everyone around you with your vibration no matter how difficult it is!
Drop everything else and start doing the most fantastic fun silly real things you can think of- become your most happy self.
Be bold and direct and honest and energetic! You know what to do!
If you don't think you know then do nothing until you do, this method never fails.
Pure receptivity leads to Pure creativity.
Take everything that is strong in you and put it to work, set it free. Never mind what anyone else thinks. Take that which you love and stretch it to the limits of crazy fun! You will amaze yourself at how good you feel and how much good you'll do just by radiating Joy pure energy outward...
Everyone around you will get a contact high!
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